Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas Mass Shooting's Point of Commonality?

theduran |  Until governments such as that of the United States, cracks down on big pharmaceutical companies, black-market drug dealers and the deep state’s involvement in narcotics trafficking, things will only get worse. It is no coincidence that the number of mass shootings as well as cruel and usual homicides have increased in-line with the use of psychotropic drugs.

Furthermore, society must work diligently to stigmatise drug use until such a point where being a drug addict is socially derided to the same degree as being a member of a known terrorist organisation.

The following is a list compiled by WND news, detailing the mass shooters and other obviously insane killers, known to be taking psychotropic drugs prior to or during their killing sprees:


rohan said...

and there it is https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/the-strip/las-vegas-strip-shooter-prescribed-anti-anxiety-drug-in-june/

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